Beranda » In-Patient Information
Beranda » In-Patient Information
Ward Routine:
- The unit nurse will welcome you and orientate you with your room.
- Your doctor and nurse will discuss with you a plan of care to tailor to your medical needs.
- Nutritional/ dietary advice shall be provided if deemed necessary by our medical team.
- A typical day at the ward starts between 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. with a wash and bed preparation. The room is ensured of its cleanliness by our housekeeping team. Meals are served according to schedule. ‘Lights out’ is at 10 p.m.
Preparing for surgery:
- Your consultant will brief you in detail on the surgery procedures.
- You or a family member will be asked to read, understand and sign a consent form.
- You will undergo a pre-anesthesia check by the anesthetist.
Prior to surgery (where applicable):
- You are required to fast the night before your surgery. You cannot even consume water.
- Your doctor may instruct a bowel preparation prior to surgery.
- The site of the surgery will be shaved or clipped and marked with a pen, where applicable.
- Contact lenses, prosthesis, dentures and jewellery should be removed.